North East Bus Preservation Trust Limited
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Preserved Buses List

Below is a summary of Preserved Buses, formerly operated in, or now located in the North East Traffic Area.

The majority of these are privately owned and further details are given in the list which can be downloaded.

If you are aware of any changes or corrections please contact us at preserved vehicle list

To download a copy of the list simply click on the link below

Preserved Vehicle List

List updated 27th February 2014

Key: R= Restored, AR = Awaiting Restoration, RP = Restoration in Progress
RegYearChassisBodyOriginal OperatorStat 
103 GAA1963Bedford SB5Plaxton C41FBarfoot, West End
128 DTDSee J14672
129 DPT1959AEC ReliancePlaxton C41FOK (Howe) SpennymoorR
143 BOASee NHN 795K
204 UXJ1961AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H36/28RLondon TransportR204 UXJ
208 YVX1962Bristol MW5GECW B45FEastern National 548R208 YVX
221 JVK1961Leyland AtlanteanAlexanderR221 JVK
254 CLT1962AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H41/31FLT RMF 1254 (Northern General 2145)
282 DWN1963AEC Regent VRoe B37FSouth Wales 38 (Bedlington & District)R
304 GHN1958Bristol LS6BECW C39FUnited Auto BUC4R304 GHN
304 VHN1964Daimler CCG5DDRoe H33/28RDarlington 4R
321 YHN1973Bedford YRQPlaxton PanoramaNational Travel South EastR321 YHN
344 XUK1954AEC Reliance MU3RVRoe C41CRoe DemonstratorR344 XUK
399 ETB1958Bedford SB3Duple C41FRobinson Great HarwoodR399 ETB
466 DHN1957Guy Arab IVRoe H33/28RDarlington 66
5081 HN1961Bristol FLFECW H38/32FUnited
5091 HN1962Bristol FLF 6BECW H38/32FUnited Auto
519 FHN1959Bristol MW5GECW B45FUnited Auto BU519
6 MPTsee ACU 304B
6249 UP1963Leyland Leopard PSU3/3RtAlexander DP51FVentureR6249 UP
650 CHNSee WTS 708A
654 BUP1958Leyland Tiger Cub PSUC1/2Plaxton C37FWilkinson Sedgefield 54
743 HUP1960Trojan 19Trojan B13FVillage Lane Garage Washington
780 HUP1960AEC ReliancePark Royal B--FVenture 215AR
8031 PTSee WNL 259A
8124 WX1961Bristol MW6GECW C39FWest Yorks RCC CYG 27R8124 WX
833 AFM1957Bristol LoddekaECWCrosvilleR
842 SHW1964Bristol Lodekka FLF6BECW H38/32FBristol 7149842 SHW
8943 HN1963Karrier BFD3023Plaxton C14FHarker Reeth
929 JHNSee XYJ 717
952 JUB1964AECRegent VRoe H39/31RLeeds (OKMS TWPTE 413)RP
959 CPT1059Leyland Tiger Cub PSUC1/1Duple Midland B45FSummerson West Auckland
A216 BJR1983Leyland Tiger TRCTL11/3RHDuple Laser 2 C57FPrimrose CoachesRA216 BJR
A590 JGU1973AEC RelianceBerkhof C49FEast Kent 8203
A633 BCN1984MCW Metrobus DR102/43MCW H46/31FNorthern GeneralR
AAO 5741934Leyland LT5AChassis onlyCumberland 38
ABR 4331949Crossley DD42/7CCrossley H32/26RSunderland Corporation 100RP
ACU 304B (ex 6 MPT)1964Leyland Leopard PSU3/3RPlaxton HighwayStanhope Motor Services
ADB 252B1964Bristol RELHECW C49FUnited Counties 252AR
AFB 586V1980Bristol LH6LECW B43FBristol Omnibus 465RAFB 586V
AFB 597V1980Bristol LH6LECW B43FBristol Omnibus 466R
AFT 9301958Leyland Titan PD3/4MCW H41/32RTynemouth 230RP
AHL 6941947Leyland Tiger PS1BarnabyR
AHN 4091935Bristol NW4G (JO5G)Chassis onlyUnited Auto BJ34 (BJO234)AR
AHN 451B1964Daimler CCG5RoeDarlington CorporationRAHN 451B
AHN 455B1964Daimler CCG5DDRoe H33/28RDarlington 11R
AHN 611M1974Bristol LH6LECW B43FUnited Auto 1611
ANL 807B1964AEC ReliancePlaxton C41FArmstrong Westerhope 137
APT 808W1980Bristol VRTECW H43/31FUnited Auto 808R
APT 811W1981Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 811
AUP 369W1980Leyland Atlantean AN68B/1RRoe H43/30FNorthern General 3469AUP 369W
AUP 371W1980Leyland Atlantean AN68B/1RRoe O43/30FNorthern General 3471
AUP 377W1981Leyland Atlantean AN68B/1RRoe H43/30FNorthern General 3477
AUP 651L1973Bedford VAS5Plaxton C29FWeardale, StanhopeRAUP 651L
AVC 66K1972Bristol RELH6GPlaxton C45FUnited Auto 1295
AVK 134V1980Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexanderTyne & Wear PTEAR
AVK 160V1980Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexanderTyne & Wear PTEAR
AVK 170V1980Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne & Wear PTE 170
AVK 175V1980Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne & Wear PTE 175
AVK 176V1980Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexanderTyne & Wear PTEAR
AVK 177V1980Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexander O49/37FTyne & Wear PTE 177
AYJ 6661950Bedford OBDuple C29FFyffe Dundee (Keith Turns Morpeth)R
B207 GNL1985Ford TransitAlexander B16FNorthern General 207 (Calvary Coaches & (A Line)
B252 PHN1985Leyland OlympianECWUnitedARB252 PHN
B951 HBB1984Fiat 60F10Caetano C18F?R
BEF 28C1965Leyland Titan PD2/40Roe H37/28RDWest Hartlepool 28
BFT 740D1966Bedford VAM5Plaxton C45FPriory North Shields 41
BGA 971938Daimler COG6Chassis/cabGlasgow 531
BGR 684W1980Bedford YMTDuple DominantW H JollyRPBGR 684W
BHN 2371936Bristol J05GUnited Auto BJ042
BHN 2541936Bristol JO5GChassis onlyUnited Auto BJO59
BHN 693N1974Bristol RELH6HECW DP49FUnited Auto 6093AR
BPT 925S1977Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 725
BR 64961928ADC 416AReplicaNorthern General D376R
BR 71321929Leyland Lion LT1Leyland B34FSunderland Corporation 2R
BRM 5961936Leyland Titan TD4ECW L27/28RCumberland 291
BTN 1131934Daimler COS4NCB B34RNewcastle Corporation 173AR
BUF 276C1965Leyland PD3/3Northern Counties FH39/30FSouthdown (Weardale)R
BUF 277C1966Leyland PD3/5Northern Counties FH39/30FSouthdown (OKMS)R
BUP 736L1973Leyland LeopardPlaxton DP57FWeardale StanhopeRP
C 561913AAReplica Ch 20?R
C407 VVN1986Mercedes L608DReeve Burgess OB19FUnited Auto 2407
C408 VVN1986Mercedes L608DReeve Burgess B20FUnited 2408
C522 LJR1985Leyland OlympianECW CH42/30FNorthernARC522 LJR
C655 LFT1985Leyland OlympianAlexander H45/31RTyne & Wear Transport later Busways later StagecoachRP
C656 LFT1985Leyland OlympianAlexander H45/31RTyne & Wear Transport, later Busways, later StagecoachAR
C656 LJR1985Leyland OlympianECW H45/31FNorthernARC656 LJR
C755 OCN1986MCW Metrobus DR102/55MCW O--/--FNorthern General 3755
C771 OCN1986MCW Metrobus Mk 2 DR102/55MCWNorthernRC771 OCN
CBR 5391952Guy ArabROE H33/25RSunderland 139 later 242RPCBR 539
CCN 1381951Leyland PD2/3Leyland H30/26RGateshead 38
CFK 3401948AEC Regal IIIBurlinghamBurnham's of WorcesterRCFK 340
CHL 6871950Bedford OBDuple C--FBelle Vue Wakefield
CJF 69C1965Leyland Titan PD3A/1East Lancs H41/33RLeicester 69 (TWPTE Trainer?)
CKB 166X1982Leyland National MK2LeylandMerseyside TransportCKB 166X
CN 28701927SOS QBrush B37FNorthern General 321RP
CN 47401931BMMO IM4Short B34FNorthern General 540AR
CN 61001934NGT LSE4Short B44FNorthern General 604RP
CPT 723S1977Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 732
CPT 733S1977Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 733
CU 47401947Leyland Tiger PS1Burlingham C33FHall BrosAR
CUV 186C1965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H36/24RLondon Transport RM 2186CUV 186C
CUV 302C1965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H36/24RLondon Transport RM 2302
CWB 9871936Leyland TD4MCW new 1952Crossville M511
D103 DAJ1986Mercedes Benz L608DReeve Burgess B20FHartlepool 103
DCN 831953AEC BeadleBeadle C35FNorthern General 1483 later A G Linfield ThakehamRPDCN 83
DFK 2141949AEC Regal IIIBurlingham C33FBurnham Worcester (Ted Heslop/John Purvis/Ray Thornton)
DFT 776E1967Bedford J2SZ10Plaxton C20FPriory North Shields
DHN 4751938Bristol L5GECW B35RUnited BLO11RP
DJR 2641950Beford OBDuple C29FJordan Bedlington ( ex Rodham & Findlay)
DP 76801926Morris Commercial T/2Replica B10DR
DPT 8481939Leyland Tiger TS8Roe B32FSunderland District 159RDPT 848
DPY 3351937Leyland Tiger PS1/1Plaxton C33FSmith ThirskR
DUP 753S1977Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H--/--FUnited Auto 753
DV 78901931Leyland Lion LT2Burlingham ???C31FPridham LamertonRDV 7890
E522 DCU1987Mercedes Benz L307DDevon Conversions M12LTyne & Wear Dial-a-Ride
E901 DRG1973Bedford YRQPlaxton C45FSmith of DurhamR
E903 DRG1975Ford R1114Plaxton C53FSmith of Durham
EAJ 6791948Bedford OBPlaxton C29FHoward Whitby
ECU 201E1967Bristol RESLECW B45DSouth Sheilds CorporationRECU 201E
EDC 406V1979Leyland LeopardPlaxton DP53FCleveland Transit 406
EDS 508BSee PCN 762
EE 81281928Albion PM28Tow WaggonGrimsby 32AR
EF 73801942Leyland Titan TD7Roe H26/22CWest Hartlepool Corp 36R
EFK 7601951AEC Regal IVBurlingham C39CBurnham Worcester (Ted Heslop)
EFN 5951950Dennis Lancet 3Park Royal DP32FEast Kent
EJR 110W1980Leyland Atlantean AN68C/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne & Wear PTE 110/ Busways/ StagecoachR
EJR 111W1980Leyland Atlantean AN68C/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne and Wear PTEREJR 111W
EJR 129W1980Leyland Atlantean AN68C/2RAlexander DPH45/33FTyne & Wear PTE 129AR
EJR 791See ZV 2428
ENT 7781948Leyland Tiger PS1BurlinghamRENT 778
EPT 879S1977Leyland NationalLeyland National B49FUnited 3079REPT 879S
ERF 602B1964Bedford J2SZ10Plaxton C20FHodson Penkridge
ETY 91 L1972Daimler FleetlineECWTynesideAR
EUP 405B1964AEC Routemaster 3R2RHPark Royal H41/31FNorthern 2105REUP 405B
EX 11281924Guy BBUnited B26DGt Yarmouth 30AR
EXG 8921955Guy Arab IVN Counties H33/28RMiddlesbrough 92
F106 UEF1989Leyland OlympianNorthern Counties H47/35FOK Motor ServicesAR
F107 HVK1988Leyland LynxLeyland B49FBusways Travel ServicesARF107 HVK
F309 JTY1988Leyland Olympian ONCL10/2RZAlexander CO47/33FNorthumbria Motor Services
F310 JTY1988Leyland Olympian ONCL10/2RZAlexander CO47/27FNorthumbria Motor Services
F311 JTY1988Leyland Olympian ONCL10/2RZAlexander CO47/27FNorthumbria Motor Services
F724 LRG1989Leyland LynxLeyland B47FNorthern GeneralR
F725 LRG1989Leyland LynxLeyland B47FNorthern General 4725
F915 JRG1989Scania N113 CRBAlexander PSBuswaysAR
F918 JRG1992Scania N113 CRBAlexander PSBuswaysAR
FBR 53D1966Leyland Panther PSUR1/1RStrachan B47DSunderland Corporation 53RFBR 53D
FEF 4621958Bedford SB3Plaxton C41FBee Line Hartlepool
FHN 8331941Bristol L5GECW B35FUnited Auto BG147RPFHN 833
FHN 9231940Bristol K5GRecovery VehicleUnited Auto ED023R
FJM 311F1968Ford TransitMartin Walter M12Jackson Kirkby Steven
FNL 227C1965Bedford VAS1Plaxton C33FRowell Prudhoe
FPT 580 C1965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H41/31FNorthern General 2110
FPT 588C1965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal O41/31FNorthern General 2118RFPT 588C
FPT 590C1965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H41/31FNorthern General 2120R
FPT 591C1965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H41/31FNorthern 2121
FPT 6G1969Leyland LeopardPlaxton C51FStanhope Motor Services
FTN 700W1981Leyland NationalLeyland National B49FNorthern General
FTN 708W1981Leyland NationalLeyland National B49FNorthen GeneralFTN 708W
FTN 710W1981Leyland NationalLeyland National B49FNorthen General 4710RFTN 710W
FUN 3191949Crossley SD42/7Burlingham C33FPeters Llanarnon (Wright Nenthead)RFUN 319
FUP 3981946Daimler CVD6Sdchassis onlyVenture 116
G141 NPT1989Leyland LeopardDuple C53FTPrimroseRG141 NPT
G251 SRG1989DAF SB220Optare DeltaNorthumbria Motor ServicesRG251 SRG
GAJ 121950Sunbeam F4Roe H35/26R (1965)Teesside Municipal Transport
GAN 744J1971Leyland Leopard PSU5A/4RPlaxton C57FBanfield Coaches?
GAN 745J1971Leyland Leopard PSU5A/4RPlaxton C57FBanfield Coaches?
GBB 516K1972Leyland Atlantean PDR2/1Alexander H48/30DTyne & Wear PTE 680RPGBB 516K
GBB 524K1972Leyland Atlantean PDR2/1Alexander H48/30DTyne & Wear PTE 688R
GCN 2NSee NDS 658N
GEF 191N1974Bristol RELL6LECW DP48FHartlepool 91AR
GGR 103N1974Leyland Atlantean AN68/2RNorthen Counties H47/36fOKMSR
GHN 1891942Bristol K5GECW L27/26RUnited Auto BGL 29RGHN 189
GHN 444J1971Bristol RESL6LECW B--FUnited 2844
GPT 9781946Guy Arab II 5LWNCB H30/26RNorthern General 1178
GR 71001939Crossley AlphaBlagg B32FSunderland Corporation 22AR
GR 90071947Crossley DD42/3Crossley H30/26RSunderland Corporation 13RGR 9007
GSR 2441943Commer Q4Scottish Aviation C29FMeffan of KirriemuirRGSR 244
GUP 647H1969AEC ReliancePlaxton B55FOK Motor Services
GUP 743C1965Bedford VAL14Plaxton C52FCarr. New Silksworth
GUP 775H1970Bedford SB5Duple C41FGeneral Chester-le-Street
GUP 907N1975Bristol LH6LECW B43FUnited Auto 1623R
GYE 533W1979MCW MetrobusMCWLondon TransportRGYE 533W
H423 HNL1990Scania N113DBAlexander H47/29FBusways Travel ServicesAR
H426 BNL1991Scania N113DBAlexanderBuswaysAR
H669 BNL1991Leyland OlympianNorthern CountiesSunderland BuswaysRH669 BNL
HHN 2021947Bristol L5GECW B35RUnited (Bell's Services of Westerhope)HHN 202
HKL 8261946AEC Regal IBeadle OB35FMaidstone & District OR2RHKL 826
HPK 507N1975Bristol VRECWThames Valley & Aldershot District Omnibus Company (Alder Valley)
HPY 8441952Commer Avenger 1Plaxton C33FSmith, ThirskR
HSL 9241957Bedford SB3Duple C37FCreams Llandudno
HTC 6611947Bedford OBSMT C29FDean & Pounder Morecambe (Calvary Washington)
HUP 2361948Albion ValiantACB C33FEconomic W7R
HUP 763T1978Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 763
J 146721957Leyland PD2/41East Lancs O35/28RLancaster Corp 128 (OKMS)R
J654 UHN1981Leyland Lynx MK2 LX2R11C15Z4SLeyland B49FUnited Automobile ServicesARJ654 UHN
J944 MFT1992Dennis Dart 9.8SDLWright B44FNorthern GeneralJ944 MFT
JAJ 293N1975Bristol RELL6LECW B46DHartlepool 93RJAJ 293N
JAJ 296N1975Bristol RELL6LECW B46DHartlepool 96AR
JAX 3541947AlbionWilkes and MeadeJMTRJAX 354
JCK 5421956Leyland Titan PD2/12Burlingham H33/28RDRibble 1467AR
JDC 544L1972Daimler Fleetline CRL6Northern CountiesTeessideRJDC 544L
JDC 5991959Dennis LolineNorthern CountiesMiddlesbroughRJDC 599
JFT 228N1974Leyland AtlanteanPARK ROYAL H43/28D later O43/34FGateshead/Northern General 3285(York Pullman/Durham Travel/Dunn Line)ARJFT 228N
JFT 412X1981Bedford YMQDuple C45FGreaves Annitsford
JFT 413X1982Scania BR1122DHAlexander H47/31FTyne & Wear PTE 413RJFT 413X
JHL 7011956Bedford SBGPlaxton C41FSwan of BerwickRJHL 701
JJD 443D1966AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H40/32RLondon TransportJJD 443D
JJD 528D1966AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H40/32RLondon TransportR
JJD 530D1966AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H06/00RLondon Transport RML 2530RJJD 530D
JJD 546D1966AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H40/32RLondon TransportJJD 546D
JJD 551D1966AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H40/32RLondon Transport RML 2551RJJD 551D
JJD 554D1966AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H40/32RLondon Transport RML 2554R
JJD 569D1966AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H40/32RLondon Transport RML 2569
JJP 502See PSJ 480
JKH 194V1979Leyland LeopardPlaxtonEast YorkshireRJKH 194V
JNP 590C1965Albion NimbusReading B35FGuernseyRJNP 590C
JPF 113K1972AEC SwiftAlexander DP45FLondon Country SMA13RP
JPT 5441948Daimler CVD6Willowbrook B35FVenture 156R
JPT 901T1978Bristol VRT/SL3/501ECW H43/31FNorthern General 3401R
JPT 906T1979Bristol VRT SL3 501Eastern Coach WorksNorthern GeneralRPJPT 906T
JPY 9851953Commer Avenger IPlaxton C33FHeather Robin Hoods Bay
JR 35201931Gilford 168SDWycombe C26FRobson HexhamR
JTY 388X1982Leyland Olympian ONLXB/1RECW PO11/32FNorthern General 3588
JTY 403X1981Leyland OlympianECWNorthern GeneralARJTY 403X
JUP 2331948AEC Regal IIIBurlingham B35FBaker Quarrington Hill
JVB 9081952Leyland Royal TigerMann Egerton HD24/26FHomeland CroydonRP
JVN 40E1967Leyland Titan PD2A/27Roe H33/28RTeesside 40 (Playbus/ NEBPS/ Northern General DT)AR
JVY 5161954AEC Regal IIIBarnaby C39FYork Pullman 66R
JXN 3711949Leyland 7RTPark RoyalLondon TransportR
K101 JMV1992Leyland Lynx LX2R11C15Z4SLeyland B49FMetrobusARK101 JMV
K134 SRH1993Dennis Dart 9SDLPlaxton Pointer B34FLondon BusesAR
K715 PCN1992Dennis Dart 9.8SDLAlexander Dash B40FBusways 1715RK715 PCN
K723 PNL1992Dennis Dart 9.8SDLAlexander Dash B40FBusways 1723RK723 PNL
KAJ 214W1980Leyland NationalLeyland National B50FHartlepool 14
KBB 118D1966Leyland AtlanteanMCCW H44/34F later O44/34FNewcastle Corporation 118 later 218 later 1218; Galway Tours IrelandRKBB 118D
KBR 252N1975Volvo B58-61Plaxton DP68FStanhope Motor Services
KCK 8691958Leyland Titan PD3/4Burlingham FH41/31FRibble 1553AR
KEW 785P1975Bedford YRTPlaxton Panorama Elite3Robinsons' of KimboltonKEW 785P
KGR 491N1975Bristol LHS6LDuple C35FScotts Greys DarlingtonAR
KJH 4921948Bedford OBC27FSt Michael's Convent EffinghamR
KKH 372NSee JFT 228N
KO 631927Albion PM28Vickers B---RRedcar A63AR
KPT 9091950Leyland Titan PD2/1Leyland L27/26RWeardale Frosterley
KTJ 204C1965Leyland Titan PD2/37East Lancs H37/28RLancaster 204 (Calvary Northern General)
KTJ 5021947Leyland Tiger PS1Burlingham B35FHaslingden Corp 2RKTJ 502
KTT 42P1975BristolEastern Coach WorksDevon GeneralRKTT 42P
KUP 2341948Bedford OBDuple C29FHarrison WingateR
KUP 7991949Albion Valiant CX39NACB C33fEconomic W10R
KUP 9491949Leyland Tiger PS1/1Burlingham C31FIveson Cornsay CollieryRP
KVJ 291Y1983BedfordPlaxtonAce Private HireRKVJ 291Y
L837 MWT1993Optare Metrorider MR01Optare B31FDarlington CorporationAR
LAO 6301951Albion Victor FT39NDuple C31FHenderson Alston
LCU 1121964Daimler CCG6RoeSouth Shields 140RLCU 112
LEF 60H1970Bristol RELL6HECW B46DHartlepool 60
LFS 296F1968BristolECWEastern ScottishRLFS 296F
LHN 7851949BUT 9611TEast Lancs H37/29FDarlington CorporationAR
LHN 8231949Bristol L5GECW B35RUnited Auto BG281R
LHN 8601950Bristol L5GECW B35FUnited Auto BG 413RLHN 860
LHO 992Y1983Leyland TigerPlaxtonTrimdon Motor ServicesAR
LNY 903Leyland PD2LeylandCaerphillyAR
LPT 3281951AEC Regal IIIBurlingham C33FGillett Quarrington Hill 31R
LVK 1231948Leyland Titan PD2/1Leyland H30/26RNewcastle Corporation 123AR
LYM 7291951AEC Regal IVECW C39FTillings TransportRP
M223 SVN1995Volvo OlympianNorthern CountiesCleveland TransitRM223 SVN
MBR 439T1979Leyland Atlantean AN68/1RECW H43/31FNorthern General 3539
MCN 30K1972Leyland / NGT TynesiderWeymann/NGT H39/29FNorthern General 3000R
MEF 823W1980Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H--/--FUnited Auto 823
MFF 5801961AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H36/28RLondon Transport RM 931RMFF 580
MGR 659P1959Bristol LH6LECW B43FUnited Auto 1659
MGR 672P1975Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 672
MHN 131W1981Leyland National 2Leyland National B49FUnited Auto 3733AR
MPT 299PSee ORC 545P
MPT 314P1975Leyland Atlantean AN68/1RECW O45/30FNorthern General 3314
MUP 712T1979Bristol LH6LECW B43FUnited Auto 1712
MUP 713T1979Bristol LH6LECW B43FUnited Auto 1713
MV 89961931Bedford WLBDuple C20FDuple DemonstratorRMV 8996
MVK 538R1976Leyland Atlantean AN68/2RAlexander H48/31DTyne & Wear PTE 538AR
MVX 878C1965Bristol Lodekka FLFECW L70FEastern National Hedingham & DistrictR
MWD 9081953Bedford SBDuple C35FHill StockingfordAR
N474 RVK1995Mercedes Benz 709 MinibusAlexanderBuswaysN474 RVK
N703 LTN1995Volvo OlympianAlexanderStagecoach BuswaysN703 LTN
NAT 198V1980Leyland National MK2LeylandEast YorkshireR
NBB 1711949Bedford OBDuple C29FTait Morpeth
NBR 665P1975Bristol LH6LECW B43FUnited Auto 1665AR
NDL 769G1969Bristol LHSMarshallSouthern VectisRNDL 769G
NDS 658N1975Volvo AilsaAlexander H26/--DTyne & Wear PTEAR
NHH 4821959Commer Avenger IVBlair & Palmer B45FBlair & Palmer Carlisle
NHN 1281951Bristol LL6BECW B39RUnited Auto BG 460
NHN 250K1972Daimler FleetlineRoeDarlington CorporationRNHN 250K
NHN 260K1972Daimler FleetlineRoe B48DDarlington 60
NHN 795KSee AVC 66K
NPT 672M1973Bedford YRTPlaxton C53FRoberts Wingate
NTY 416F1968AEC ReliancePlaxton C45FRowell Prudhoe
NVK 3411950AEC Regent III 9612aNCB H30/26RNewcastle Corporation 341RNVK 341
OCU 769R1977Scania BR111DHMCW H45/29DTyne & Wear PTE 769RP
OCU 772R1977Scania MetropolitanMCW H45/29DTyne & Wear PTE 772
OCU 773R1977Scania MetropolitanMCW H45/29DTyne & Wear PTE 773
OCU 807R1977Leyland Fleetline FE30AGRAlexander H44/30FTyne & Wear PTE 807AR
OEF 74K1972Bristol RELL6LECW B46DHartlepool 74AR
OFB 968R1977Bristol LH6LECW B43FBristol 385
OJD 95R1977Bristol LH6LECW B39FLondon TransportROJD 95R
ORC 545P1975Leyland Atlantean AN68/1RECW O35/12FNorthern General 3299
OSK 8311958Karrier BFD3023Plaxton C14FBrocksbank of LeedsRPOSK 831
OTN 457R1977Scania BR111DHMCW H46/30FTyne & Wear PTE 457AR
OTN 458R1977Scania MetropolitanMCW H46/30FTyne & Wear PTE 458
OTY 2081959Bedford C5Z1Duple Midland B30FTait Morpeth
OVK 151M1974Leyland Atlantean AN68/1RAlexanderTyne & Wear PTEOVK 151M
OVL 4941960Bristol SC4LKECWLincolnshireROVL 494
OWT 720M1973Bristol RELLECWColchesterRP
PAJ 829X1981Bristol VRT/S3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 829RP
PCN 7621964AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H41/31FNorthern 2099RPCN 762
PCW 203J1971Bristol RESLPennine B45FBurnley, Colne and NelsonRPCW 203J
PEF 6X1981Bedford VAS5Duple DP31FStanhope Motor Services
PEF 211964Leyland Leopard L1Strachan B43DWest Hartlepool 21
PEF 3701964Bedford VAL14Plaxton C--FBeeline West Hartlepool
PFF 7771952Bedford KZSpurling B9FRotol Cheltenham
PFN 8581959AEC Regent VPark Royal FH40/32FEast Kent (Lockeys West Auckland)
PGK 8721955Bedford SBGMulliner B30FMinisrty of Supply
PHN 178L1973Bristol RELLECW O50FUnited Auto 4278RP
PHN 6991952Guy Arab IIIRoe B41CDarlington 26RPHN 699
PHN 8081952Bristol KSW6BECW H32/28RUnitedAR
PHN 8291952Bristol KSW6BECW L27/28RUnited AutoRPHN 829
PHN 8311953Bristol LS5GECW B45FUnited Auto BU2AR
PNM 695W1980Bedford YMQDuple DominantHunters of Tantobie
POG 557Y1982MCW DR102/27MCW Metrobus MK2West Midlands PTERPPOG 557Y
PPT 446P1976Leyland LeopardPlaxton Derwent MkIThe EdenRPPT 446P
PRN 7611952Leyland PD2Leyland/PrestonPreston CorporationR
PSJ 4801962Leyland Titan PD2A/27Massey H37/27FWigan 35 (Weardale Motor Services)AR
PT 20531924Daimler CJK 22Robson B20FBaker Quarrington HillR
PW 86051926ADC 415United B--FUnited Auto E61
Q723 GHG1987Leyland TigerECWOK Motor ServicesRPQ723 GHG
R101 KRG1997Dennis Dart SLFAlexander ALX200Stagecoach BuswaysARR101 KRG
RAO 7331956Bristol LD6GECW H--RDCumberland 369
RCN 111NSee JFT 228N
RCN 6891964AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H??/??FNorthern 2089
RCN 6971965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H41/31FNorthern 2097RCN 697
RCN 699See PCN 762
RCN 7011965AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H41/31FNorthern 2101
RCU 588S1977Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RWillowbrook H48/33FTyne & Wear PTE
RCU 838S1977Daimler FleetlineAlexanderTyne and Wear PTERRCU 838S
RD 1111928Dennis GReplica T17Fire Engine ChassisR
RDC 106R1977Bristol VRTNorthern Counties H43/31FCleveland Transit 106RRDC 106R
RDC 108R1977Bristol VRTNorthern Counties H43/31FCleveland Transit 108
RFR 424P1976Leyland Atlantean AN68/1RECW H43/31FRibble 1424
RGF 231P1976Bristol LHSPlaxton C33FEpsom CoachesRGF 231P
RGR 447PSee TCP 897
RHN 5481952Austin K8Plaxton VenturerScotts GreyRHN 548
RHN 888R1965AEC ReliancePlaxton C53F rebodied 5/77James Liverpool
RHN 948F1968Bristol FLF6GECWUnited Auto/Northern
RRM 915M1974Bedford YRQPlaxton C45FWright NentheadRRM 915M
RT 4539Dennis GChR
S368 ONL1999Dennis DartPlaxton PointerGo GatesheadR
S833 OFT1998Volvo OlympianNorthern CountiesGo North EastARS833 OFT
SCD 693X1981Leyland LeopardPlaxton C53FAlpha, BrightonR
SCN 250S1978Leyland Atlantean AN68/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne & Wear PTE 250RSCN 250S
SCN 268S1978Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne & Wear PTERSCN 268S
SCN 276S1978Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne & Wear PTERPSCN 276S
SCS 335M1974Leyland LeopardAlexander DP49FWestern SMT 2466R
SGR 129R1976Leyland NationalLeyland National B49FUnited Auto 3029
SGR 780V1979Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H43/31FUnited Auto 780
SGR 797V1980Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW O--/--FUnited Auto 797
SGR 935V1979Bristol VRTECW H43/31FNorthern General 3435RP
SHN 80L1973Bristol RELH6GECW DP49FUnited Auto 6080SHN  80L
SHN 3011952AEC Regal IV 9821EBurlingham C41CScotts Greys 5R
SHN 7451952Bristol LSECWUnitedRP
SIB 67111975Leyland National Mk ILeyland Intergral/ East LancashireSIB 6711
SJR 612Y1983Leyland Olympian ONLXB/1RECWNortherm GeneralRP
SMK 686F1967AEC RoutemasterPark Royal H40/32RLondon Transport RML2686RSMK 686F
SMK 732F1968AEC RoutemasterPark RoyalLondon TransportR
SPT 651955Guy LUF 5WWeymann B44FNorthern General 1665RPSPT 65
SPT 963V1979Leyland LeopardPlaxton C53FOK Bishop Auckland
SRU 9811956Bristol Lodekka LD6BECW H33/27RHants & DorsetRSRU 981
SS 74861950Bedford OBDuple C29FStark Dunbar (Eden West Auckland)
SUP 685R1976Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXBECW H--/--FUnited Auto 685
SV 82361926Morris Commercial TRitchie Ch12?R
SVK 616G1968Leyland Atlantean PDR1/1Alexander H45/30DNewcastle Corporation 616AR
SVK 627G1968Leyland Atlantean PDR1/1Alexander O45/30FNewcastle Corporation 627R
SWC 24K1972Bristol RELLECW B49FColchester 24RSWC 24K
TBR 527V1979Leyland LeopardDupleTrimdon Motor ServicesR
TCO 5371960Leyland AtlanteanMetroCammell H44/33FPlymouth Corporation 137R
TCP 8971964Bedford PJKPlaxtonRTCP 897
THN 258F1967Bristol LodekkaECW H38/32FUnited
THN 260F1968Bristol LodekkaECW O38/32FUnited Auto/Northern
THN 263F1968Bristol LodekkaECW H38/32FUnited Auto/NorthernARTHN 263F
THN 264F1970Bristol LodekkaECW H38/32FUnited Auto/Northern
TME 134M1974AEC ReliancePlaxton C38CGlenton London (Clan Coaches Skye)
TN 17951925AEC 411Strachan & Brown B30FNewcastle Corporation 64R
TPT 6K1972Leyland LeopardPlaxton DP68FWeardale Stanhope
TPT 6R1976AEC ReliancePlaxton C53FBond Willington
TUG 20See 344 XUK
TUH 71960Albion NimbusHarrington DP30FWestern WelshRTUH 7
TUP 198E1967Bedford VAS1Plaxton C29FWilson Blaydon
TUP 8591956AEC Regent V MD3RVRoe H35/28RHartlepool Corporation 4RP
TY 28961927Chevrolet LMGeneral Motors B14RStorey Longhorsley?
TY 36731927Leyland Lion PLSC1LeylandAmos Proud, ChoppingtonAR
TY 96081932AEC RegalStrachan B--ROrange Bedlington 42RP
UFJ 2921957Guy Arab IVMassey H30/26RExeter Corporation 52 (Shaw Brothers)RUFJ 292
UGR 694R1976Bristol VRTECW H43/31FUnited Auto 694
UGR 698R1976Bristol VRTECW H43/31FUnited Auto 698
UMB 21955Bedford SBGDuple C36FBowyer Northwich
UP 5511928SOS QLReplica B37FNorthern General 338RP
UP 29411929Crossley HawkHorsfield B--FBlaydon A
UPT 681V1981Leyland NationalLeyland National B49FNorthen General 4681RP
UTF 732M1974Leyland LeopardDuple C49FRibble 1052
UTN 501Y1983MCW Metrobus MK 2MCWNorthernRUTN 501Y
UTU 596J1970Guy OtterMulliner B26fDouglas 9 (Gateshead Council Ted Heslop)
UUA 2121955Leyland Titan PD2/11Roe H33/25RLeeds City Transport 212RUUA 212
UUL 651F1968AEC ReliancePlaxton C44FSurrey Sutton
UUL 652F1968AEC ReliancePlaxton C44FSurrey Sutton
UVK 290T1978Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RAlexander H49/37FTyne & Wear PTERUVK 290T
VBT 1911958AEC RelianceYeates C41FBoddy Bridlington (Cowley & Thornton)
VCW 597Y1982Dennis Lancet SD505Marshall B51FBlackpool 597AR
VFT 189T1979Leyland Atlantean AN68A/2RMCW O49/37FTyne & Wear PTE 189
VHN 527G1968Daimler Fleetline SRG6LW-33Roe B43DDarlington 27RVHN 527G
VK 54011931Dodge UF30ARobson B14FBaty Rookhope
VOD 101K1972Bristol RELL6GECW B53FWestern National 2758 (Tyne & Wear Omnibus)
VPT 598R1977Leyland NationalLeyland National B49FNorthern General 4598RP
VRG 416 T1979MCW Metrobus DR101/4MCW PO46/30FTyne & Wear PTE 416
VRG 418T1979MCW Metrobus DR101/4MCW PO46/30FTyne & Wear PTE 418
VTY 543J1970Leyland Leopard PSU3A/4RPlaxton C45FTyne ValleyR
VUP 3281957Leyland Tiger Cub PSUC1/1Crossley B44FEconomic A2AR
VUP 4421957AEC RelianceChassis onlyGardner Spennymoor
VVK 149G1969Bedford J6LZ5Nikolau B37DCyprus
VVK 53G1969Austin Morris J2Austin Morris M6Royal Navy
WAO 397Y1983Leyland NationalLeyland National B52FCumberland 397
WBR 2461964Atkinson AlphaMarshall B45DSunderland Corporation 46
WBR 2481964Atkinson AlphaMarshallSunderland CorporationRWBR 248
WFM 823L1973Leyland NationalLeyland National B21DCrosville SLN823
WG 98331943Bedford OWBDuple C29FAlexander W120 (Wright Bros)R
WHN 411G1969Bristol VRT SL6GECW H39/31FUnited Auto 601AR
WNL 259A (ex 8031 PT)1962AEC ReliancePlaxton HighwayEconomic Bus Services of WhitburnRWNL 259A (ex 8031 PT)
WPT 7381958Bedford SB3Duple C41FIveson Esh
WS 51691935Bedford WLBChassis onlyOrd Alnwick
WTS 708A (ex 650 CHN)1957Bristol LS5GECW B45FUnited Auto BU 250AR
WTY 9061962Bedford SB5Duple Midland B42FArmstrong Westerhope
WWB 987S1978Bristol LHS6LPlaxton C35FGash Newark BR4
WYW 14T1978MCW MetrobusMCW H43/28DLondon Transport M14
XG 93041947Leyland Titan PD1AN.Counties L27/26RMiddlesbrough 52R
XPT 454F1968Bedford CALZMartin Walter C11FSinclair South HettonR
XUP 6921958Albion AberdonianPlaxton C41FGardiner Spennymoor
XYJ 7171959Bristol MW5GECW B45FUnited Auto B45FRP
YBN 629V1979Leyland LeopardPlaxtonLancashire United
YFY 4M1974NationalSouthport CorporationRYFY 4M
YPT 2891958Leyland Titan PD3/4Burlingham H41/32RDSunderland District 289
YPT 7961958AEC Reliance MU3RVRoe C41CEconomic W3RYPT 796
YUP 61949Leyland Titan PD2/10CRoe H37/28RDStanhope Motor Services L11RYUP 6
ZV 24281952Leyland Royal TigerPlaxton C43F rebodied 1/66Hunter Seaton Delaval