North East Bus Preservation Trust Limited
Wednesday 15 January 2025  

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Welcome to North East Bus Preservation Trust Ltd

The North East Bus Preservation Trust (NEBPT) is a Registered Charity (No 1103051) supported by over 100 bus and coach enthusiasts dedicated to preserving the vehicles and heritage of the North East of England.

At the present time the North East Bus Preservation Trust has two buildings used for storage and workshop facilities.

The North East Bus Preservation Trust currently owns 17 vehicles and we also maintain a list of preserved buses.

Occasionally we organise trips in a preserved vehicle belonging to the trust, or a bus kindly provided by a member. From time to time trips are taken further afield when we visit rallies and events organised by other preservation groups and we are regularly to be seen at venues or running days sponsored by other transport societies.

Members of the North East Bus Preservation Trust receive a quarterly newsletter keeping everyone up to date with what is happening within the Trust.

There is an opportunity for members to help out on a purely voluntary basis at various events that we arrange. Our main gatherings are: Metrocentre (May) and Seaburn (August Bank Holiday Monday). Although active participation is not a requirement, any help is greatly valued and appreciated.

If you are interested in becoming a member click here



You can help us to preserve the vehicles and heritage of the North East of England for the enjoyment of future generations by making a donation.